new russian programs for smartphone

New russian Android apps

screenshot RGT Consultant
RGT Consultant - this application will help you prepare to pass a traffic rules exam. All questions are divided into categories. In case of a wrong answer you can have an error correction at the end of the test. The application has a guide where you will find simple and short explanations to each question. 
Microsoft word - is a mobile version of Microsoft word with responsive sensor system of controls which allows you to work on your Android device on the go. The application will offer a handy text placement taking into account the size of your screen. A user will have access to files from any device of his. Diagrams, lower formulae, tables and other traditional Word components will provide maximum efficiency on smartphone. 
Lanet.TV: Ukr TV without ads - is an application which allows you to watch digital TV having over 70 channels in high quality. Watch your favorite shows and movies wherever you are, from any corner of the planet. 
Google allo - is an incredible application for communication with friends. Talk to other users by means of smart fast messages, send funny emoticons and stickers. You will have a chance to draw and express emotions on your photos. You can also use other applications at the same time. 
Greenify - is a useful utility thanks to which you can automatically disable unused processes in background mode in order to prolongue the work of your Android device. A user can also schedule start of certain applications according to time or event. 
GO keyboard - fast and handy keyboard which can replace a keyboard of a standard Android device. It has many useful functions such as storage and recognition of most frequently used words, text correction, genture and sound support and other interesting tools. 
Rozetka - is a popular internet shop of household appliances, goods for decoration, electronics and other useful goods. Buy fast and easily in a few touches with the help of a handy menu directly from your mobile device. 
PayPal - is a mobile version of a popular payment service. Buy in the Internet, complete money transfer and other card operations easily. The application will offer simple interaction with pegged cards and reflect information on accounts. 
Runtastic pro GPS - is an intelligence fitness application for Android devices which allows you to follow training statistics. The application uses GPS to calculate speed, distance, heartbeating, calories and other indicators. You can watch training routes in 3D format and share the results in social networks. 
Sleep Cycle alarm clock - this application will be useful for you in case you can't wake up with a regular alarm-clock. Intellectual signal will select the right moment and will gradually awake you from a deep sleep. 
Firefoxe - is a mobile version of a popular web browser which offers the user flexible settings, speed, safety and synchronization of bookmarks and favorite pages with other devices of yours. 
UC Browser - fast browser for Android devices with detailed menu, flowing animation and multitouch gesture support. To create a tab you need to swipe two fingers down, to close a tab swipe up, to switch between tabs swipe left and right. Embedded news manager is available. This browser is an excellent competible replacement for a standard one. 
Stickers Vkontakte - a set of free stickers for communication in Vkontakte social network. The application offers original stickers which are not included to standard collection. You can send personal pictures as stickers in png format. 
Rates in ua - this application will inform you on currency rate of Ukrainian banks. Simple and handy converter is available as well as visual statistics of changes of currency rates. 
Water drink reminder - this application will help you to support water balance of your body. Record the amount of water you drink during the day. Specify your weigh and the application will tell you how much water you need to drink during the day and will make a visual graph of water consumption. 
aCalendar - is a premium version of a calendar for Android smartphone. Use your working and spare time with maximum efficiency planning your day with the help of a calendar. Application statistics will help to share out and predict availability during a day. Synchronization will remind about important events by means of text messages and e-mail. 
VKontakte music - is a service for music content download from Vkontakte social network to your Android device. The application works without installed flash player on your mobile device. You can add dowloaded music to the wall. 
TurboScan document scanner - is a powerful and fast scanner which can work with any file format. The application will automatically recognize document borders. You can easily regulate the document quality, its brightness, color, turn and other parameters. 
Promt offline translator - is a high quality offline translator for your Android device. You can translate browser pages, translation from photos is also available. The application is handy to use, it offers voiced input and voiced translation. Embedded phrase-book with different themes for any situation. 
Stellio music player - is a music player which offers clear and high quality sound, it also plays most of rare audio file formats. Sleep timer with gradual fading is available. You can switch songs by means of shaking your device or volume buttons.