Draw Bricks for Android
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Draw Bricks

Free download Draw Bricks for Android phone or tablet: APK file (full original version of the game) via a direct link or install via the Play Market. Game updated


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Here you can download the mobile version of Draw Bricks for Android phone or tablet without registration and SMS. She is among the best Sandbox games

Gameplay video

Description of Draw Bricks

The player is given a 3D space and endless number of various blocks that are the same as those of Lego. They can be combined in the same way as in the real sets and you can build whatever you want. You can look at constructions from all sides by turning the camera. 

The range of blocks is very large. So this game is good for those users who want to build something from real Lego but don't have the needed bricks. Each brick can also be painted in the needed color. The created models can be kept and shared with others. There is a set of ready constructions, which can be changed or used as a source of ideas. 

15 votes

Download Draw Bricks

To download the full version of APK Draw Bricks for free in one file, follow the direct installation link, or click on the Google Play button for automatic background installation from the official store. Use QR code for quick download.