Every Hero - Smash Action for Android
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Every Hero - Smash Action for Android

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Every Hero - Smash Action screenshot 1
Every Hero - Smash Action screenshot 1
Every Hero - Smash Action screenshot 1
Every Hero - Smash Action screenshot 1

Description of Every Hero - Smash Action

In open arenas the player will fight against crowds of opponents and powerful bosses. Attacks are made by quick tap on the screen, and dodging by swipes in the right direction. There are 8 heroes of different classes, more than 100 special abilities to learn and a story campaign for 120 levels.

Battles will take place in ancient ruins, a volcano, a glacier and other picturesque locations. Enemy types and abilities available when leveling up will be randomly generated with each start of a new game. For long combinations of successful strikes or dodges, temporary bonuses to strength or attack speed are given. The developers paid special attention to battles with bosses among which will be dragons, titans, demons and other powerful monsters.

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