Falls - 3D Slide Puzzle for Android
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Falls - 3D Slide Puzzle for Android

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Falls - 3D Slide Puzzle screenshot 1
Falls - 3D Slide Puzzle screenshot 1

Description of Falls - 3D Slide Puzzle

The player is invited to pass 250 levels, in each of which a puzzle with a mountain awaits him, on top of which there is a spring with water, and at the bottom there is an empty space for a lake. The mountain consists of cubes that can be moved. The player's task is to move the cubes to create a canal so that the water fills the lake.

The movement process resembles a slider game. According to the story, water is needed to water the plants. There are several kinds of worlds - covered with vegetation, lifeless and infernal. In some cases you will need pumps, which can be found on the map, to pump water to the desired location.

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