FROM SPACE - Adventure Run for Android
FROM SPACE - Adventure Run icon

FROM SPACE - Adventure Run for Android

FROM SPACE - Adventure Run screenshot 1
screenshot 2
FROM SPACE - Adventure Run screenshot 3
screenshot 4
FROM SPACE - Adventure Run screenshot 1
FROM SPACE - Adventure Run screenshot 1

Description of FROM SPACE - Adventure Run

The player wearing a space suit is running along the corridors of space stations. In some corridors you will face enemies, mutants or aliens whom you need to avoid. Disasters like fires or collapse of constructions take place in other corridors and you also need to avoid this. 

The character can be upgraded in the course of the game. This can make him run faster. During the races you can pick up several kinds of boosters. You can also face hidden traps on the way from time to time. There are two difficulty levels - regular and hard.

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