Hyena Squad for Android
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Hyena Squad for Android

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Hyena Squad screenshot 1
Hyena Squad screenshot 1
Hyena Squad screenshot 1
Hyena Squad screenshot 1

Description of Hyena Squad

The player controls a team of elite fighters sent to an alien invaded space base. In turn-based tactical battles you will have to perform various tasks from total clearance to time survival over the course of 12 levels. The game also has a system of character and equipment upgrades.

The space lab is not only full of aliens. The player will also have to face zombified staff, creepy monsters born in the course of genetic experiments and many other creepy opponents. At the end of some levels long battles with powerful bosses await. Enemies always outnumber the player, so you have to use your equipment, abilities, and environment wisely in the levels for a successful mission outcome.

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