Pokémon TCG Live for Android
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Pokémon TCG Live for Android

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Pokémon TCG Live screenshot 1
Pokémon TCG Live screenshot 1

Description of Pokémon TCG Live

An evolution of Trading Card Game Online ideas with improved game mechanics, ranking system, new decks and modes. Using Pokémon cards, players will battle in ranked or casual mode. 9 leagues with gradually increasing difficulty and monthly battle passes are avaliable.

The gameplay mechanic copies Trading Card Game Online for the most part. An added bonus is support for importing progress and decks from that game. In turn-based mode, players fight each other using cards of various Pokémon from their deck. All monsters have certain characteristics and belong to 1 of the 5 elements. The developers have added the ability to personalize both your trainer and pokémon. For those who do not want to fight in the rating mode is a free game, where the number of wins or losses does not affect the rating.

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