Thunder Squad for Android
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Thunder Squad for Android

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Thunder Squad screenshot 1
Thunder Squad screenshot 1
Thunder Squad screenshot 1
Thunder Squad screenshot 1

Description of Thunder Squad

Towers in this game are represented by heroes that can be placed near the paths the mobs attack along. The mobs are hybrids of police officers and dark monks. The heroes are rather variable, there are fighters with cold weapons, archers, representatives of different intelligent kinds and even combat robots. 

There are five factions and six classes of heroes in the game in total. The characters from all of this variety become available for hire in the course of the game. Hero upgrade is peculiar - to improve one hero you need to sacrifice the other. Battles can take place in semi-automatic mode - if you place the fighters and disconnect from the Internet or hide the game, the battle will take place in automatic mode and you can collect loot as soon as you connect to the network.

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